Bow Anterior Matrices (10pcs)
Bow Anterior Matrices (10pcs)
Bow matrix bands are mylar (75 microns thick) and designed for anterior teeth
The advantage of these bands over metal matrix bands for anterior teeth is that they are able to wrap both buccal and lingually.
This makes them especially useful for class 3 and diastema closures.
The bow matrix bands come in 3 sizes
1) 1.951 universal incisor band. This band has no lip and is generally used for class 3 and class 4 composite matrixing
2) 1.952 diastema/ black triangle closure band. This band has a small lip on the cervical surface which can be inserted into a ginigval sulcus to produce a new steep emergence profile. The lip can be trimmed with scissors if needed to customise the emergence produced but it is an average lip designed to work off the shelf in a majority of clinical situations.
3) 1.953 customisable diastema/ black triangle band. This band has an exaggerated lip at the cervical portion of the band which can be inserted into a gingival sulcus to produce a new steep emergence profile. The lip of this band can be cut with scissors and will need to be customised to the clinical scenario you are faced with.